Reading Challenge for 2023
2023 is coming.✨✨
I want to create a book reading challenge for 2023. I have already convinced a friend of mine to join this challenge with me.
Because we humans are social creatures, I think we are happier when we do things together.
People are more motivated when they do things together. It is not always easy to keep pace for a long time till the end. Sometimes you experience a lack of motivation in some phases, you lose enthusiasm, and you don’t want to continue. At such moments, people with whom we started this road come to our help. When we are tired, those people support us and give us the necessary motivation. And at the same time, we can observe the opposite. If there is a lack of motivation among the people we started with, we are obliged to support them👏.
I think it will be more useful to do it together for this book reading challenge in 2023.
We set a goal of reading 10 books for 2023.
Actually, for a moment I wanted to make it more(like 12–15) books, but I think I can start with 10 books initially, and after I finish 10 books, can read additional books 🤓
We are considering using the Goodreads platform for tracking our challenge.
The Goodreads is handy. You can see the activities of your friends, which books they have started, which ones they have finished, which books they have commented on or given feedback on, etc.
I’ve already identified a few books I’m going to read.
Below I’m sharing Goodreads links to the books I read:
I will update this list as I read other books over time.
I recommend you join me in this challenge.
If you have a book that you want to recommend, please share it with me.🤩